Pets in Balance strives to provide compassionate veterinary care that will improve patient comfort, mobility, overall health and well-being. We know that your pet is an integral part of your family and we are dedicated to strengthening that bond. Pets in Balance integrates traditional veterinary medicine with complementary treatments including acupuncture, chiropractic (veterinary spinal manipulative therapy), and physical rehabilitation to treat dogs and cats with a variety of medical and mobility issues.
Whether your pet prefers the comforts of home, is recovering from surgery, stays active by going to the dog park, chasing a frisbee, is your running buddy, a therapy dog, or a participant in canine sports, Pets in Balance and veterinarian, Dr. Lisa Starr, want to improve their function and performance.
Pets in Balance offers house calls and in-office veterinary services out of a general practice in the Chicago area. Services include acupuncture, chiropractic care, and physical rehabilitation evaluation and treatments. We determine what is making your pet painful or limiting mobility and provide treatment to address those issues. In addition to offering supplements, herbals, and homeopathics which may augment or replace other medications, we provide assistive devices such as carts, braces, and harnesses to help improve patient mobility and comfort.